Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 80 (with text)

Box 1, Folder 3, Set 2/3

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra


- Item_Number-







Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).






Included is proposal for Adult Education Opportunity Act of 1970 and National Center for Adult Education.


Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1969.


April-October, 1969.














Aker, George F.

Kreitlow, Burton W.

Tough, Allen.


Adult Education Association [AEA-USA].






Box 1, Folder 3, Set 2/3.




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{7:80:916:I:0,0:2544,3300}MEMO April 8, 1969 From: George Aker To: Mr. Allan Tough Mr. William Griffith Mr. Burton Kreitlow Mr. Robert Sharer, Executive Director, AEA-USA Mr. Glenn Jensen, President AEA-USA Mr. Brent Halverson, Chairman Adult Education Committee at FSU for organizing a structure for Adult Education Graduate Students within the framework of the AEA Other members of Mr. Halverson's committee include: Mr. Ernest Gendron, Mr. Jerry Hanberry; Mr. Charles Sappington; Miss Mahin Abolfotough; Mr. Courtney Schwertz; Miss Toni Powell As a result of Allan Tough's memorandum of November 23, sporadic activities have been undertaken to determine the extent that graduate students in adult education are interested in establishing some mechanism in the framework of AEA so that they can have a meeting of their own in connection with the annual national conference and so that they collectively can exercise a greater voice in the affairs of the Association. Professor William Griffith has suggested that we set aside a half day during the December Galaxy Conference for a meeting of all graduate students who are attending the Conference in Washington-- Griffith also suggests that the professors could join the group, if invited, for the entire session, with the meeting brought to a close by a student-professor cash bar. Griffith, Tough, Aker and Kreitlow have all expressed the idea that whatever develops in relation to providing a structure for graduate students within AEA should be designed by the students for themselves and not by their professors of any other group. I am not certain as to how many people were able to get together and pursue these ideas further during the National Seminar on Adult Education Research. Nor do I know the outcome of that particular meeting. I do know that a group of seven graduate students at Florida state University have expressed an interest in working with comparable groups from Toronto, Chicago and Madison to establish something for graduate students during the Galaxy Conference. In this regard I am asking that Professors Tough, Kreitlow, and Griffith furnish us with the name of the graduate student contact person at their respective institution with whom our group should work to plan a graduate student organization or meeting at the AEA Conference next December.


{7:80:917:I:255,279:2064,1092}Mr. Brent Halverson, doctoral student in Adult Education, is the Chairman of our student group in this regard. It is requested that the other three universities, through their student representatives, contact Mr. Halverson so that our group may be tied to whatever is now going on or so that the graduate students from our universities may initiate some planning activities to pursue whatever goals and objectives they may have in this regard. Mr. Halverson's address is: Department of Adult Education, 920 West College Avenue, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306. Since this memo places the responsibility for further action and activity directly in the hands of the graduate students, it is not necessary for anyone to correspond with me in relation to the contents of this memorandum. If desirable I will be happy to see that appropriate meeting facilities are available at the Galaxy Conference. I look forward with interest to see what happens.


{7:80:918:I:156,177:2070,2259}THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO ILLINOIS 60637 THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 5835 KIMBARK AVENUE April 9, 1969 MEMO TO: Burton Kreitlow cc: Eugene DuBois George Russell Allen Tough FROM: Ann Litchfield RE: Tough's memos of March 24, 25, and 26. March 24 memo - With regard to ERIC/AE and the Commission, I believe we should do whatever is best as decided by the persons who are concerned and involved. Thus, I agree with Tough's recommendations that "the liaison committee no longer exist and that the director of ERIC/AE deal directly with whichever task force is most appropriate for the matter he wishes to explore." March 25 memo - I have reread the December 9 memo and think the suggestions are excellent. I do not believe that the lack of response to the December 9 memo is due to lack of interest, necessarily. And in fact the attendance at the National Seminar on Adult Education Research is a kind of direct response. I subscribe to either of the two suggestions made in point 4 of the March 25 memo - particularly to the second one. A few students might be invited to this session to share with the professors their ideas as to ways the professors can better help them. March 26 memo - I think that the career brochure should be distributed in quantity, at the Galaxy conference in Washington in December. Perhaps Jensen and Minnis will wish to distribute the 5,000 free copies at this meeting? I agree that the Commission's committee on the career brochure should be disbanded, but only after the matter of distribution and/or turning over the responsibility to some group has been settled. I am prepared to have this decision made by the Chairman of the Commission.


{7:80:919:I:222,303:2115,2172} Career Brochure Committee This is a progress report from Allen Tough, who has been serving as chairman of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education committee on a career brochure. The intention of this brochure is to describe career opportunities in adult. and continuing education. It says very little about graduate study. The brochure has been widely distributed by Chronicle Guidance Publications, Moravia, New York 13118. Additional copies can be purchased from that organization. A shorter version has been prepared and revised by Andrew Hendrickson. It will probably be published (5,000 free copies) by Ginn & Company, as arranged by Glenn Jensen and Roy Minnis. I assume they will also arrange its distribution. Because the career brochure has already been widely distributed, and because it can be purchased by anyone who is interested, there probably is no need to urge or arrange further printing and distribution. Nonetheless, I wrote at the end of November,1968, to Robert Sharer of AEA and to the chairman of the AEA publications committee. My letter suggested that they consider printing and distributing additional copies. Mr. Sharer suggested (January 9, 1969) that no action be taken until reactions to the 5,OOO free copies have been evaluated. His letter suggested that the Commission might want to "make a formal recommendation to AEA" about printing and distributing additional copies at the time of the Galaxy Conference in December. If it does make sense for the Commission to pursue this matter further, I think the recommendation should come from the executive committee or the chairman of the Commission. I do not think that the Commission should continue any longer to arrange for the printing and distribution of this brochure, because it deals with career opportunities rather than graduate programs. It seems to me that the Commission's committee on the career brochure has completed its work, and should be disbanded.


{7:80:920:I:0,0:2544,3300}THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION 102 BLOOR STREET WEST, TORONTO 5, ONTARIO, CANADA TELEPHONE 923-6644 Department of Adult Education December 18, 1968 Prof. Glenn Jensen College of Education University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Dear Glenn, Good news! I am delighted to hear that Ginn will publish free 5,000 copies of "Careers in Adult and Continuing Education." My feeling is that we should proceed with those 5,000 copies, and work out the procedures for distributing them while they are being printed. For example, Ginn may have some ideas or restrictions about this. If not, perhaps the best procedure is to send about 100 to one professor in each state and province that has a member of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. That professor could then decide how these free copies should be distributed to guidance offices in secondary schools and colleges throughout that state or province. This would probably be done through guidance materials services, state guidance associations, and/or state departments of education. In addition, one or two copies might be sent to each teacher-training institution in the state. This procedure would leave about 1,000 copies, or at least 500 or 600 copies, for AEA and CAAE to distribute free in response to individual requests. I am enclosing a copy of the most recent draft prepared by Andy Hendrickson. My suggestion is that the material be printed attractively on both sides of a single sheet, which could then easily be folded in order to fit into a standard business envelope. The paper could be colored stock, and might even have some sort of texture such as a tweed-weave. Thanks again for your wonderful efforts. I will be glad to discuss further any questions or reactions that you have. Yours sincerely, Allen Tough Associate Professor of Education


{7:80:921:I:285,675:1869,2481}April 11, 1969 Dr. George F. Aker Professor of Adult Education Florida State University 920 West College Tallahassee, Florida Dear George: My reaction to your very interesting memorandum of April 8 is as follows : 1. I was not aware that there has been activity for organizing a structure, within the framework of AEA, for adult education graduate students. I an greatly in favor of this kind of development and feel that it could be of service both to AEA and to graduate students. 2. I would suggest that this group not attempt to make a hasty decision on the exact form of the structure they wish to assume. It is too large a group to qualify legally for Commission status. As I understand its purpose, it would not be appropriate to be regarded as a Committee either. Council status is reserved for representatives of large groups and institutions. This leaves Special Interest Section as an appropriate classification. I would suggest that it be classified as such for inclusion in the Galaxy Conference. However, this would not prohibit the development of an appropriate legal format and title at a later date. If the group wishes to be included in the Galaxy Conference, some haste is necessary. You should notify either Olive McKay or Keith Glancy-- perhaps both--of the space and time requirements. I doubt if it would be possible to schedule a half-day session that would not be in conflict with other groups, but perhaps this is not of concern to the graduate students. Cordially, Robert E. Sharer Executive Director RES:hhn cc: Glenn Jensen Burton Kreitlow


{7:80:924:I:0,0:2544,3300} 98 Love Lane Weston, Mass. 02193 October 6, 1969 To: Section Chairmen, AEA-USA; also Committee and Commission Chairmen. From: Tink Martin, Chairman, Legislative Policies Committee, AEA-USA. On April 3. I sent you a memo reviewing the plans of LPC and describing our policy of taking support positions when appropriate on legislative matters of prime concern to other members of the Council of Adult Education Organizations in those areas supported by previous vote of the Delegate Assembly. In view of Evelyn Zukos request for resolutions to be presented to the Delegate Assembly at Galaxy this December, may I remind you that we have support positions only on the following, which you will note does not include the prime interests of a number of section, committees and commissions: federal aid to extension ETV Title I, HEA ABE secondary AE ICY use of AE in poverty programs and in UNESCO achieving social goals ERIC and information systems minority group and racial equality Library Services citizenship education International education The above list has enabled us to support such bills as the NAPSAE bill for secondary education, S5 on Social Indicators, full funding resolution, and a number of others. The gaps, however, are obvious. May I urge you to get recommendations to Mrs. Zuk if you wish LPC to speak in support of your section's goals? (Particularly if they are already documented in the Minutes of your Section.) Obviously, we too are volunteers and cannot do the job on the Hill that needs to be done. It may be possible for me to keep any really concerned section supplied with some additional information: for example, I receive the Congressional Record daily. and could perhaps forward particular debates to any of you really concerned with a specific matter; also AEA-USA is sending me its subscription to the Appleton-Century Guide to Federal Assistance in Education, which is updated monthly. As for our own activities we had to postpone the Legislative Workshop and hope to reschedule it for early spring. In the meantime, many useful comments came in on the Adult Education Opportunity Act of 1969 proposal; it is now renamed and refined, as the Adult Education Opportunity Act of 1970, including the National Center for Adult Education. About 100 copies of the Proposal (enclosed) with a 3-page background letter and an 8-page listing of the major 150+ Federal programs In adult education have been sent to Congressmen, agency personnel, etc. The Proposal and its status will be the subject of the December 9 LPC Open Meeting at Galaxy; we hope you encourage attendance. We would appreciate from you any notes or materials about legislation of particular concern. My personal feeling from my visits to Washington and letters and phone calls in behalf of adult education is that the time is now -- but that we have a massive educational job to do with our own legislators. Once you mention that migrant labor, aging, job training, etc. a part of adult ed, ears perk up. Do you know your Congressmen?? --We agree with the AEA Galaxy theme: adult ed is in the mainstream but we sure have to paddle hard. How is your paddling? Tink Martin


{7:80:925:I:0,0:2544,3300} ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S.A. 1225 Nineteenth Street, Northwest Legislative Policies Committee Washington, D.C. 20036 Dr. Anita L. Martin, Chairman 98 Love Lane Weston, Massachusetts 02193 PROPOSAL for the ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1970 and the NATIONAL CENTER FOR ADULT EDUCATION To provide a means for comprehensive long range-planning, for coordination, and for systematic research and development of the field of adult education, the Legislative Policies Committee of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. proposes 1. The Adult Education Opportunity Act of 1970, to create a central office at the Federal level for such purposes as A. Collection and dissemination of information about all adult education activities of the Federal government. and analysis of said information to determine duplications, gaps, and effectiveness of activities, in cooperation with existing information services such as ERIC-Syracuse and the National Center for Educational Statistics. B. Comprehensive planning of adult education programs and services in cooperation with each of the Federal agencies active in the field. C. Development of a Research and Development Institute comparable to those now operative in the health fields, to promote knowledge of adult learning processes and improvements of methods and materials of the field. The central office might be An Executive Office A central office in HEW An independent agency A quasi-governmental Foundation or Academy A Joint House-Senate Committee and an Executive Council Or????? 2. Authorization of a National Center for Adult Education, with a Federal planning grant of to enable development of specific plans and combined public-private funding for a permanent Center to be located in Washington, D.C. Planning will be under the leadership of such members of the Council of Adult Education Organizations as may wish to participate, and of the AEA-USA Commission on Planning Adult Education Systems, Facilities and Environments. Anita L. Martin, Chairman LPC September, 1969 (Mrs. Jay J. Martin. Jr.)


{7:80:926:I:0,0:2544,3300}THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION 102 BLOOR STREET WEST, TORONTO 6, ONTARIO, CANADA TELEPHONE 923-6644 Department of Adult Education October 23, 1969 Prof. Burton W. Kreitlow Office of Adult Education The University of Wisconsin 1815 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Burt: I am writing to tell you that I will not be present at the meeting of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education in Washington in December. I am sorry that things have worked out this way, but I do not think that my absence will cause any great problem. As you know, Ann Litchfield has been directing the effort to obtain a list (and, through ERIC, the abstracts) of outstanding theses in adult education and extension education. I think she should continue to direct this project, and I will be glad to work with her in any way she wishes. I think the primary responsibility will rest with Ann Litchfield and Roger DeCrow, but I am willing to continue being involved until the booklet is printed if they wish. The research task force does not have any other current projects. During the past 10 months I have done everything that I can think of, and most of the things suggested during the initial meeting of the research task force last fall. Those who are especially interested in research should meet at the December meeting during the times set aside for the task forces. They should elect the new chairman of the research task force from among those present. There are several good possibilities, including Ann Litchfield, Irwin Jahns, John Peters, Alan Knox, Bill Griffith, Don Blackburn, Malcolm Knowles, Roy Ingham, and Ginny Griffin. No doubt, during their discussions at the December meeting, this group will think of some further projects and actions that are high priority for the research task force. Now, let us turn to the career brochure. As I said in my progress report dated March 26, 1969, I think this committee has completed its work, and should be disbanded. If some members of the Commission are interested in taking further action, then a new committee should be formed with one of them as chairman. One other item. At present, in the program of the Commission as printed in the Galaxy program booklet, my name is included with Roger DeCrow's for a committee report on ERIC. You will remember from an earlier memo that Roger is now dealing directly with whichever task force chairman is relevant to a particular problem or interest, rather than having a separate ERIC committee. Consequently, .../2


{7:80:927:I:75,210:2088,1656}THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION Page 2 Prof. Burton W. Kreitlow October 23, 1969 there is no need to include my name for this particular agenda item. All best wishes with the meeting in Washington, and sorry I will not be there. Sincerely, Allen Tough Associate Professor of Education cc: Roger DeCrow Ann Litchfield Roy Ingham Irwin Jahns Malcolm Knowles Alan Knox John Peters


{7:80:928:I:0,0:2544,3300}THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ATHENS, GEORGIA 30601 DEPARTMENT OF ADULT EDUCATION October 29, 1969 Dr. Burton W. Kreitlow Professor of Adult Education Adult Education and University Extension University of Wisconsin 1815 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Dr. Kreitlow: As Chairman of the Department of Adult Education at the University of Georgia, I should like to extend an invitation to the Commission of Professors to meet at the University's Continuing Education Center just prior to the 1970 Conference in Atlanta. We are located approximately 70 miles from Atlanta, but have excellent highways and air transportation into Atlanta. Since the Center stays booked sometimes two years ahead, it would be prudent to reserve space as soon as possible. Dr. Jack Lancaster is the 1970 Program Chairman for the AEA Conference and is located just across the street from the Center, and I am Program Chairman for the NAPSAE Conference in 1970. The staff at the Georgia Center are adult education oriented and I feel sure would make this a memorable meeting for the Commission. Gene Johnson and I plan to be at the Commission meeting at the Airlie House and will be delighted to issue the invitation to the group if appropriate. Sincerely, Curtis Ulmer, Chairman Department o Adult Education cu:spj cc: Dr. Jack Lancaster, Head Dr. Eugene Johnson Extension Training Professor of Adult Education Mr. Thomas Mahler, Director Dr. William L. Bowden Continuing Education Vice Chancellor for Services Regents System of Georgia


{7:80:929:I:195,216:2010,2619}THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION Department of Adult Education October 28, 1969 Prof. Glenn Jensen Professor of Adult Education College of Education The University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Dear Glenn: The new version of the careers brochure looks great! Congratulations. My suggestion is that you, or someone else who will be at the meeting of the Commission of Professors in Washington in December, should give one or two copies to each professor who is present. If the professors' reaction is favorable, the Commission's executive committee might then decide to recommend that AEA print several thousand copies. These would be distributed to guidance offices in secondary schools and colleges throughout the United States and Canada. Other copies would be given free to those individuals who write vaguely to AEA or CAAE for "information about working in adult education." Copies could also be sold to those who wish to buy a quantity for some reason or other. Before these additional copies are printed, however, it might be appropriate to provide a maximum of 50 to each university having a professor of adult education, or a maximum of 70 for each state or province. These could be distributed by one professor chosen by that university or state. I assume that these professors could obtain their copies at the Washington meeting in December. Any copies that you have left over after this could be given to AEA and CAAE and perhaps other professional associations for use in responding to requests from individuals. Sincerely, Allen Tough Associate Professor of Education cc: Burton W. Kreitlow





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