Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 77 (with text)

Box 1, Folder 2, Set 3/4

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra


- Item_Number-







Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1968.


October-November, 1968.














Schroeder, Wayne.

Tough, Allen.







Box 1, Folder 2, Set 3/4.




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ˆ{7:77:870:I:0,0:2544,3300} THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION 102 BLOOR STREET WEST, TORONTO 5, ONTARIO, CANADA TELEPHONE 923-6644 Department of Adult Education October 23, 1968 Prof. Wayne Schroeder Department of Adult Education Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 Dear Wayne, I am enclosing a letter from Roger DeCrow about the possibility of including professors of extension education as members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. This is a question that I deal with in the revised version of my paper about the goals and activities of the Commission, which is now being typed. But I thought you might like to think about this matter before the meeting in November. I believe that the membership of the Commission should probably be open to anyone whose major current responsibilities are those of a professor of adult education or extension education. That is, his main responsibilities teaching in a graduate program in adult education or extension education, helping thesis students in that field, and conducting research in that field. The major changes proposed, then, are (1) include extension education professors, but (2) exclude those who are not currently or primarily professors of adult or extension education. Probably few if any others (whether called observers or something else) should attend the business meetings, unless invited for some specific purpose. In addition, some of the opportunities for learning about graduate programs (such as mimeographed materials or discussions about graduate programs) might be extended to other persons, such as faculty members who teach only one or two courses in adult or extension education. But I see this as a separate question from the question of membership. I am not sure who should discuss this matter, and who should make the final decision about it. Perhaps it should be discussed in the group dealing with the first goal in my paper (providing opportunities for faculty members to learn about graduate programs) and/or by the executive committee and/or by some special committee set up to examine the criteria for membership again. .../2


{7:77:875:I:0,0:2544,3300}November 19, 1968 Mr. Stanley M. Grabowski Supervisor/Publications The Library of Continuing Education Syracuse University 107 Roney Lane Syracuse, New York 13210 Dear Mr. Grabowski: In response to your November 7 letter, there have been a number of changes made in the Commission of Professors of Adult Education since the 1968 Directory was published. They include the following: Purpose: 1. To provide opportunities for each professor to gain knowledge that will help him (or her) with his responsibilities in planning and operating a graduate program in Adult Education. 2. To increase the relevance and quality of dissertations in adult and extension education and encourage and help the professors in their own research. 3. To secure the adult education practitioners' support for graduate programs in adult education. 4. To encourage and facilitate theory-building, research and dissemination in adult education. 5. To influence and help (in direct and indirect ways) the applied field of adult education. Membership: Full membership only - 69. Chairman: Dr. Burton W. Kreitlow Professor of Adult Education Education Building University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Sincerely, Wayne L. Schroeder Chairman of Commission of Professors of Adult Education




{7:77:877:I:180,240:2163,1437}November 23, 1968 Memo to George Aker, Bill Griffith, and Burton Kreitlow From Allen Tough Each year, a large number of graduate students from our four universities and from a few other universities attend the AEA meeting. I wonder whether we should consider and explore the possibility of one or more sessions especially for these graduate students? Perhaps a new special interest section should be formed, or perhaps one or two sessions for graduate students should be scheduled at some time when nothing else important is on the program. What would the students do during their sessions? Perhaps they would be interested in learning about one another's current or proposed research: each student might describe his thesis project in four or five minutes, or duplicated outlines or proposals might be distributed. Perhaps the students would like to learn about the graduate programs at some of the outstanding universities; for example, a one-hour session could be devoted to describing and discussing the programs at Chicago, Wisconsin, and Florida State by devoting 20 minutes to each. Perhaps you have other ideas, too, about what the students might do. Or perhaps the whole idea is pointless.


{7:77:878:I:237,267:2112,2097} November 23, 1968 Memo to Burton Kreitlow From Allen Tough During the morning of November 13, 1968, several members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education met to discuss various ways of strengthening the contribution made by the research of students and professors. 1. One project resulting from this discussion is the development of a list of outstanding theses in adult and extension education. Ann Litchfield has agreed to be responsible for this, at least in the early stages. 2. Professors will be encouraged to prepare papers about the current status or stage of adult education research, and about needed research and promising new directions. These papers will be made available to professors and students in mimeographed form or through publication in some appropriate journal or other form. Malcolm Knowles has agreed to prepare one paper, presenting his views of the research strategy that is appropriate at the current stage of development of research in our field. 3. Professors will be encouraged to prepare papers about ways of producing better theses: that is, about how to improve the process of helping the thesis student plan and conduct his research. The ways of helping him include one-to-one counseling or advice, research seminars, research courses, and suggested reading. Alan Knox has agreed to prepare such a paper in the spring of 1969, possibly including a discussion of the distinctions between the professional degree (Ed.D.) and the research degree (Ph.D.). It is hoped that this paper will stimulate others. Allen Tough, as chairman of the Task Force on Research established at this meeting, will send a memo to all professors of adult education and extension education to encourage and inform them about various opportunities. In attendance were Irwin Jahns, Ann Litchfield, Alan Knox, Malcolm Knowles, John Peters, and Allen Tough.


{7:77:879:I:219,249:2106,1983}November 25, 1968 Memo to Burton Kreitlow From Allen Tough The Commission of Professors of Adult Education now has a larger and rapidly growing membership. In addition, several of the members are currently planning or conducting research, and probably would be interested in discussing their research with others and in obtaining help with it. Consequently, the need for a short workshop designed to help professors develop their current research seems stronger than ever. It might be a shorter version of the research training institute held in Madison in August, 1967, with the focus clearly on helping the participants with their current research stage or problems. I know you have tried very hard to plan such a workshop, and to obtain money for it, but I wonder whether any further progress is completely hopeless. As the new chairman of the Commission, would it make sense for you to explore this once again with the Office of Education or some other appropriate agency? Or perhaps we should just plan half a day or a full day for this purpose just before or just after the 1969 meeting of the Commission.


{7:77:880:I:0,0:2544,3300} THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO  ILLINOIS 60637 THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 5835 KIMBARK AVENUE November 26, 1968 Mr. B. W. Kreitlow, Professor Office of Adult Education University of Wisconsin 1815 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Burt: I am having the mailing labels of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education assembled. I am having trouble with the following names which appear on one list that I have. Will you please let me know if my interpretation is incorrect? Do not list because they are not members: Alton Hadlock Gordon Wasinger John L. Davies Ivan Lappin List as member Hew Roberts List as observers Hamilton Stillwell Pedro Sanchez Morris Brown Gene Johnson I will send the designated number of lists to the following persons unless you make any corrections in this list. Burton Kreitlow, Chairman 4 lists John Ohliger (Graduate Programs Task Force) 2 lists Allen Tough (Research Task Force) 4 lists (he requested the extra sets) Jim Draper (Promote Graduate Study Task Force) 2 lists Bill Griffith (Theory Building Workshop) 2 lists John Craddock (Applied Fields Task Force) 2 lists


{7:77:881:I:177,138:2061,663}Mr. B. W. Kreitlow 2. November 26, 1968 Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Ann Litchfield Assistant Professor AL/df


{7:77:883:I:306,324:1989,1761} Department of Adult Education November 27, 1968 Prof. George Russell Department of Adult Education North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear George, I am enclosing a list of the professors of extension education because you probably want to send a note to them about opportunities and criteria for membership in the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. You will note that only the individuals marked 4 are serving as professors. I think the phrase "Cooperative Extension" should be added to each address. It took me quite a while to get this list (for other purposes), so I thought it might save you some time if I sent you a copy of it. All best wishes. Yours, sincerely, Allen Tough Associate Professor of Education





Created on May 21, 2002


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