Commission of Professors
of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 75 (with text)
Box 1, Folder 2, Set 2/4
The Adult
Education History Project
Based on
Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives
for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra
of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].
1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).
January-December, 1968.
Society of Adult Educators.
1, Folder 2, Set 2/4.
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N D U M To: Dr. Hamilton Stillwell Dr.
Wesley Wiksell Dr. Eugene Johnson Dr. George Russell Dr. Edgar J. Boone Dr. A.
A. Liveright Dr. Robert Boyd Dr. Malcolm Knowles Dr. Wayne Schroeder Dr. Glenn
Jensen From: E. H. Quinn Subject: Professional Standards Committee of AEA As
requested at the end of our committee meeting, I have attempted to re-state the
tentative functions of the organization eliminating duplication of ideas and
expanding the statement as it seemed appropriate. The revised functions are
Attachment I and are still considered tentative. Further revisions may be
concerned with: (a) whether the 20 functions do incorporate all the ideas from
the original 32 functions; (b) whether any of the statements distort or lose
any of the original intent; (c) whether any of the functions upon examination
are inappropriate to the organization and thus should be eliminated; (d)
whether further refinement or clarification of the wording can be suggested.
Attachment II is the list of 32 functions developed during the meeting. I am
sending these along in the event yours is mislaid and particularly for those
who were not able to be present. Please let me know your suggestions relevant
to any of the above points. I will be happy to do a further revision
incorporating your wishes.
(Attachment II) FUNCTIONS OF ORGANIZATION 1. Look at and examine professional
education. 2. Seeking increased recognition and support for adult education in
the framework of multi-purpose agencies. 3. To develop a legislative program
that is broadly based and looks at legislative needs in a broad educational
sense - in a way that transcends separate organizations. 4. Design and execute
action programs. 5. Formulate and propose legislation. 6. Develop a systematic
publication program. 7. Formulation and execution of research programs. 8. Formulate
and police or pass on adherence to high professional standards. 9. Develop a
high degree of professionalism by developing programs which would result in
ever-increasing numbers of practitioners able to comply with membership
standards. 10. Developing a high degree of professionalism among members. 11.
Society should serve as consultants to related adult education organizations.
12. Develop program of consultation within specific problematic areas. 13.
Seeking foundation-support for special graduate study and exchange of
administrators. 14. Develop and maintain interest in international adult
education problems. 15. Establish and maintain linkage with adult education in
other countries. 16. Develop exchange programs with related organizations.
2 (ii) 17. Communicate the "career idea" to relevant publics. 18.
Develop a strong public relations program. 19. Create a national school for
adult education - a center and a library. 20. Develop a comprehensive
fellowship program. 21. Designate distinguished professorships 22. Develop a fund to support on an annual
basis professional leaves for advanced study in adult education. 23. Society
ought to develop means for determining the status of the field - changes,
needs, manpower pools, etc. 24. Establish an accrediting agency for graduate
programs in adult education. 25. Standardize systems for collecting data. 26.
Create a conceptual framework for collecting data for the field. 27. Should
develop some kind of strategy for dealing with the federal government. 28.
Develop strategy to deal with other disciplines and to encourage other
disciplines to become familiar with adult education. 29. Create a national
center for adult education research. 30. Create an interest in constantly
searching for common terminology. - common concerns in the field. 31. Is there
a publication role? 32. Create task force groups for program development for
new programs of the federal government - talent bank.
23, 1968 Dr. William Griffith Assistant Professor Department of Education
University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: After reading the
proposal for the Seminar on Theory Building and Application in Adult Education
Research, (July 8, 1968 version) I decided to make a second and more extensive
effort to reshape its purposes and procedures. Evidently my thoughts on this
matter as expressed in my letter of March 27, received no encouragement from
other members of the Committee. I am making the assumption that the cause of
this reaction (non-reaction?) was the lack of clarity in the brief original
statement. If my assumption in wrong, what follows will be of little utility
with respect to influencing the direction of the seminar. In order to present
my case, I shall first describe how a science may be developed, state some
assumptions relative to the state of this development for adult education, and
finally, how we might proceed in our efforts. My approach to this matter can be
expressed most clearly by quoting from Herbert Simon's Administrative Behavior
(2nd ed.). In his efforts to develop a science of administration, Simon
believes that "before we can establish any immutable principles [or
theory] of administration, we must be able to describe, in words, exactly how
an administrative organization looks and exactly how it works. As a basis for
my own studies in administration, I have attempted to construct a vocabulary
which will permit such description; and this volume (Administrative Behavior)
records the conclusions I have reached. These conclusions do not
William Griffith July 23, 1968 Page Two constitute a "theory" of
administration, for except for a few dicta offered way of hypothesis, no
principles of administration are laid down. If any "theory" is
involved, it is that decision-making is the heart of administration, and that
the vocabulary of administrative theory must be derived from the logic and
psychology of human choice." Simon also described an approach to the
development of a science. "Before a science can develop principles, it
must possess concepts. Before a view of gravitation could be formulated, it was
necessary to have the notions of "acceleration and weight." The first
task of administrative theory is to develop a set of concepts that will permit
the description, in terms relevant to the theory, of administrative situations
(underlining mine). These concepts, to be scientifically useful, must be
operational, that is, their meanings must correspond to empirical &
observable facts of situations." (Underlining mine.) Simon proceeds to
describe what in his judgment, are the important phenomena to observe in the
study of organizational behavior. "What is a scientifically relevant
description of an organization? It is a description that, so far as possible,
designates for each person in the organization what decisions that person
makes, and the influences to which he is subject in making each of these
decisions." The process which culminates in the formation of principles,
or theory, begins with observations. (I use Phillip's definitions of concepts,
principles, and theory in this discussion - see Bernard Phillip's Social
Research.) After making observations, we then discriminate among them along
some appropriate dimension or scale. Next, various observations are combined to
form classes. The labels we assign to these classes are our concepts. We state
hypotheses, or statements relating two or more concepts. If not rejected, we
gain increased confidence about the "truth" of these statements, and
at some arbitrary point, call them principles. When a system of principles is
derived, we call that principle which is superordinate to all others in the
system a theory (simply a principle whose concepts are at a very high level of
William Griffith July 23, 1968 Page Three I hope I haven't belabored what is
probably an all too familiar schema. But it is essential for what follows that
we possess this common frame of reference. The starting point, taking our cue
from Simon, is to select from the descriptions of adult education those that
are "scientifically relevant." For administration, Simon selected
decision-making as the most essential activity. Is there some central theme
(themes?) in adult education comparable to that of decisional processes in
organizational behavior around which we might build our science? What would be
our answer, or answers, to the question, "What is the heart of adult
education?" Once this question is answered, even tentatively, we can then
proceed to develop our vocabulary. (To repeat, Simon derived his vocabulary
from the logic and psychology of human choice.) Is there some comparable
concept from which we can derive the vocabulary of adult education? Various
observers have described the process of adult education and possibly amidst
this extensive collection of data may be descriptions of those activities that
constitute the essence of this process. But the same condition seems to prevail
for adult education as Simon found for administration, we do not yet have
adequate linguistic and conceptual tools for realistically and significantly
describing even a single adult education agency - describing it in a way that
will provide the basis for scientific analysis of the effectiveness of its
structure and operation. (A study which, in my judgment, is in the right
direction is that of Burton Clark, Adult Education in Transition.) If we asked
an observer to look at adult education activity and describe what he saw, he
might say something like this: "I see people enrolling in education
programs; making an effort to learn, and on occasion withdrawing from the
effort; other people attempting to help them learn; still other people hiring
teachers, making budgets, writing brochures, evaluating courses, raising funds,
making plans, issuing directives, acquiring physical facilities, and attempting
to tell others about adult education. The observer might also add that it makes
considerable difference how these activities are performed depending on the
type of organizational setting in which they occur, i.e., the church, public
school, or industry.
William Griffith July 23, 1968 Page Four My assumptions are: 1. No central
theme of adult education has gained sufficient consensus to allow for a group
approach to theory building. 2. In the absence of this central theme, no
linguistic conceptual tools have been developed that are scientifically
relevant to this task. 3. Data now available provide a basis for making a
beginning effort to identify a central theme. Perhaps an example will serve to
clarify the approach I am recommending. Let us assume that my first assumption
is not true, and that we agree that program planning is the heart of the adult
education process. Alan Thomas' chapter in Adult Education: Outlines of an
Emerging Field of University Study, "The Concept of Program,"
together with the work of several other persons, e.g., Boyde Bruce and Cyril
Houle provides a basis for beginning our task. Verner's description of the
concepts of method, technique, and device provides valuable conceptual tools
for this effort. Thus, accepting the "theory" (probably it would be
more accurately called an assumption) that program planning is the heart of the
adult education process, a beginning in the development of a science of adult
education has been made. Given this "theory", what should the
seminar's purpose and procedures be? They might look something like this: A.
Purposes: 1. Order the principles of program planning into a logical system. 2.
Specify the vocabulary and concepts about program planning; i.e., what basic
process, like "human choice" can provide the vocabulary for
describing the situations of program planning? 3. To identify phenomena of
program planning that are not accounted for by existing principles. 4. To
recommend strategy for
the present theory.
William Griffith July 23, 1968 Page Five B. Procedures: 1. Papers presented by
those who have already made contributions to the stated purposes. 2.
Discussions with other adult educators who have conducted research. 3. Critique
by persons expert in conceptual thinking and logic (Examples: Gerald Coombs, B.
0. Smith, Herbert Simon, and Abraham Kaplan.) If the Committee did not believe
that the concept of program planning was at the heart of the adult education
process, in other words, the Committee agrees with my first assumption, the
Seminar agenda would be changed as follows:
Purposes: 1. To examine the descriptions of adult education to determine
what process is essential to its structure and effectiveness (Of course, there
may be more than one "central theme" identified by different persons
necessitating the development of consensus on one of these themes.) 2. To
identify a basic process, like "human choice" from which the
vocabulary might be derived for describing the situations in adult education.
3. To outline strategy which will lead to the development of the linguistic and
conceptual tools required to build a science of adult education based upon the
agreed upon central theme. (Subsequent conferences would have an agenda similar
to the one proposed for dealing with program planning.) Procedures: 1. Papers
presented by adult educators which describe particular phenomena in adult
education; e.g., what participants do, what teachers do, and what
administrators do. 2. Discuss with other adult educators and with persons
expert in conceptual thinking.
Dr. William Griffith July 23, 1968 Page Six 3. Make plans to achieve the third
purpose. These purposes may appear to be too elemental. But if the foregoing
analysis in accurate, they are necessary first steps to be taken. This leads me
to my prime criticism of the proposed agenda-- The procedures are premature. I
agree with the purposes expressed in the proposal, but, accepting my statement
about the process of theory building and my assumptions, different procedures
are called for. We cannot build, much less refine, theories in adult education
lacking the requisite identification of what we consider to be the central
theme in adult education and the linguistic and conceptual tools. I suspect we
would learn a considerable amount about. the topics scheduled for discussion, a
knowledge objective, but I do not see us achieving our primary purpose of
developing theory, which a problem-solving objective. I propose that subsequent
seminars be planned for an intensive analysis of some particular theory or set
of principles. This detailed analysis, say during a two or three day period, is
necessary for: 1) a thorough understanding of the theory, its concepts and
relevant data, 2) a critique of the theory, 3) the design of research required
to test various hypotheses dealing with specific questions about the theory,
and, 4) suggestions for dissemination to other researchers and practitioners.
Because I feel strongly that the idea of a seminar to develop the body of
tested knowledge about adult education has great potential, I hope that the
counter-proposal I have made will be given serious consideration by the members
of the Committee. Sincerely yours, Roy J. Ingham Associate Professor RJI:db
on Criteria for Membership I. Educational Criteria a. doctorate b. masters
degree in adult education (at least 18 credits as defined below) or 6 courses
(18 credits) distributed in no more than 3 areas and where no more than 2
courses (6 credits) are in supporting areas. The areas are: 1. Comparative,
educational sociology, history, social Issues. 2. organization, supervision and
administration 3. curriculum, program planning evaluation 4. learning, human
development, instruction, methods, socio-psychological areas of adult education.
II. Experience a. full-time employed as an adult educator b. has held such a
position (II-a) for at least one year III. Philosophical Commitment a. gives
compliance with philosophical statement of the Society showing a broad
commitment to the field of adult education. This may be done through the use of
a credo of the Society. b. express willingness to participate in an initiation
ceremony 1 The position is defended by the agency as being an "adult
educator," or the functions of the position can be so described that the
Standards Committee can describe it as being an "adult educator"
position. 2 The purpose of expressing it in this manner is an attempt to break
down the agency-based orientation now existing in the field of adult education.
Performance a. pass an entrance examination b. prepare a scholarly paper which
is published in a recognized scholarly journal c. evidence of leadership in
developing and executing some noteworthy and contributing project to the field
of adult education d. active membership on one or more professional committees
or work task groups In the field of adult education V. Recognized as a
Professional a. three letters of recommendation from those qualified to pass on
the applicant's professional qualifications in the field of adult education VI.
Dues a. special dues are paid at the time of being admitted to membership in
the society
Created on May 21, 2002
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