Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 74 (with text)

Box 1, Folder 2, Set 1/4

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra


- Item_Number-







Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1968.


January-April, 1968.














DeCrow, Roger.

DuBois, Eugene Eli.

Schroeder, Wayne.







Box 1, Folder 2, Set 1/4.






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{7:74:841:I:0,0:2544,3300} January 4th, 1968.  Memo to: Members of the Committee on International Relations and Comparative Education. Commission of Professors of Adult Education From: J. R. Kidd  I have been slow in writing to you following the meeting of the professors in Philadelphia. James Draper gave a report for the Committee. If you have not seen it a copy is enclosed. There are two interesting proposals. One is the spring seminar on Methods in Comparative Adult Education. I hope to be able to write you soon about this. In all probability, we will do something about it in April.  The second possibility is the development of a book of readings on comparative adult education. I will have further information for you about this later. Two new members have been added to the Committee on International Relations and Comparative Education: Dr. James A. Draper, Associate Professor of Education, Department of Adult Education, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 102 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. John Ohliger, Assistant Professor of Adult Education, Center for Adult Education, Ohio State University, 1945 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A.  Best wishes. Sincerely, J. R. Kidd, Chairman, Department of Adult Education, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.


{7:74:842:I:0,0:2544,3300}MEM0 January 24, 1968 To: Professors of Adult Education From: Wayne L. Schroeder Re: ABE Training Institute for 1968 I noticed in the most recent NAPSAE "Pulse" (Vol. VIII, No. 5, February, 1968) that the findings of an eighteen-month study of the U.S. Office of Education conducted by the House Subcommittee on Education (Chaired by Edith Green) has been published and may be secured from the Superintendent of Documents for $2.25. The specific title is, "Study of the United States Office of Education, Under the Authority of House Resolution 614 (House Document 193)." Of the many recommendations included in this report, I would draw your special attention to one--for this one recommendation appears to have resulted in a USOE policy change that effects those of us who consider the education and training of adult basic education teachers and administrators a part of our professional responsibility. The recommendation in brief was that, "the Office review the practice of contracting with national associations for carrying out training programs in terms of the relative cost of such a practice as compared to the cost of negotiating and contracting directly with institutions of higher education and in terms of the extent to which such practice limits the potential of the program by reducing the number of institutions eligible to conduct training." Apparently the Office took seriously this recommendation and is now accepting proposals from individual agencies and institutions desiring to become engaged in some sort of ABE workshop or institute. This does constitute a change since for the past two years USOE has contracted with NUEA to handle its ABE Institutes rather than with separate agencies and institutions. Now that the door has been opened, however, it appears even more important to in some way assure that those agencies and institutions which are most able to conduct ABE workshops and institutes submit proposals to do so. Which institutions are "most able"? I would suggest institutions of higher learning which have established graduate programs of adult education--in short, you and your institution.  As I understand it, you may become informed concerning proposal guidelines and format by securing from the Office a document entitled, "Rules and Regulations for the Adult Education Act of 1966 (Title 3, Public Law 89-750)." Another good source of information concerning the type of educational experience you may wish to propose (ABE for Professors, for State Directors, for Directors of Urban Projects, etc., etc.) is your State Director of ABE or your State Director of General Adult Education--assuming you have one or both.


{7:74:843:I:0,0:2544,3300} BOSTON UNIVERSITY  SCHOOL OF EDUCATION  765 Commonwealth Avenue, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02215  CHARLES RIVER CAMPUS January 25, 1968 . Dr. Wayne Schroeder Department of Adult Education  Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 Dear Wayne: I am passing on to you a copy of a recent letter from Ken Harris of UCEA. I was under the impression that Ann Litchfield was chairman of the simulation committee, has there been a change?  It appears from Ken's letter that he will need information relative to funds for purchasing these materials by members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education and NAPSAE. Since I am only the author or the technical person in this project, it would appear to me that you or the chairman of the committee should make this survey and communicate with Mr. Harris. Before leaving Philadelphia, I gave all of the simulation material to Dr. Kenneth Gordon of Indiana University, I assume that he has shared these materials with the membership of the evaluation committee you appointed. I trust that we will be able to meet the February 17th deadline set by UCEA. Sincerely,  Eugene E. DuBois Assistant Professor of Education EEDB/plm


{7:74:844:I:0,0:2544,3300}University Council for Educational Administration 29 WEST WOODRUFF AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43210 TELEPHONE (614) 293-2564  January 22, 1968  Dr. Eugene DuBois School of Education Boston University Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Dear Dr. DuBois: I have just finished talking with Dr. Litchfield at the University of Chicago. She indicated that the adult education materials were to be circulated to various members of the committee and that, through the chairman, we were to receive information relative to determination of the feasibility of producing these materials.  She suggested that I contact you to see if this is also your understanding as well as to see what you, might have discussed with Richard Cortright relative to his interest in the materials.  We at UCEA will need to have an idea of the number of institutions willing to commit funds for the purchase of the adult education simulation materials before AASA in Atlantic City on February 17, 1968. This is so that a recommendation may be made to the UCEA board of trustees relative to the feasibility of UCEA producing these materials. Your help in obtaining feedback from members of the committee, the chairman, or from persons actually willing to commit funds for the purchase of these materials will assist us in the making of a decision.  Sincerely,  Ken Harris Administrative Assistant  KH/jb


{7:74:845:I:0,0:2544,3300} THE COUNCIL OF GRADUATE SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036  Phone: Area Code 202: 667-8766 (Revised 1 February 1968) CONSULTATION SERVICE GUSTAVE 0. ARLT President The Council of Graduate Schools provides an appraisal and consultation service for institutions that wish (1) advice with regard to the establishment of new graduate programs; (2) an appraisal of established programs; (3) an examination of their resources for future development; (4) a review of their organizational and administrative structure.  The Council maintains up-to-date lists of specialists in many disciplines as well as of generalists in interdisciplinary fields and in graduate school administration.  A consultation may be arranged by letter or telephone cal1 by the graduate dean to Mr. James N. Eshelman, Assistant to the President, at the above address. The names of five or six appropriate consultants are then sent to the dean among whom he may indicate a preference. Before the site visit, the institution should provide as much pertinent information as possible, including at least an outline of the proposed program, bio-bibliographies of the staff, and an analysis of physical resources. This dossier is made available to the consultant. On a date mutually agreeable to the dean of the graduate school and the consultant, a one- or two-day visit is made. The consultant should be given an opportunity to talk with administrative officers and with faculty of the department involved and, as appropriate, with members of cognate departments. He should also examine physical facilities, such as laboratories and libraries. As soon as possible after the visit, the consultant should submit a written report to the dean of the graduate school, with a copy to the Council, giving his appraisal of the department and his recommendations for future developments. The report will be such as to enable the university to assess the weaknesses and strengths of the . department concerned. The report is confidential to the graduate dean (or other senior administrative officer) and its circulation is subject to his discretion. Before the report is written, the dean should explain to the consultants how it will be used and how it will be circulated. All financial details are handled by the office of the Council of Graduate Schools. The consultant submits his expense account there and receives reimbursement along with an honorarium of one hundred dollars per day or fraction thereof of actual consultation and one hundred dollars for the preparation of the report. The Council then bills the institution in that amount plus an administrative fee of twenty-five dollars. It is clearly understood that this is strictly an advisory service and not some form of accreditation. The Council is not an accrediting agency. It is interested only in giving help where it is wanted.




{7:74:847:I:174,417:2040,2697}March 13, 1963 Mr. Roger DeCrow, Director ERIC Clearing House of Adult Education 107 Roney Lane Syracuse, New York 132110 Dear Roger: I, and Bill Griffith and Wilson Thiede met with the new editor of the Review of Educational Research during the AERA meeting in Chicago. Sometime around the late summer or fall of this year we will need to be ready to make our presentation to the Editorial Board with respect to the cycle on which the Adult Education Review should be placed. The final outcome of this presentation will be very much influential by the kind of report we make concerning the amount and kinds of research being produced in the field of Adult Education. Last fall you expressed an eagerness to have the ERIC Clearing House undertake a summary of the kinds and amounts of Adult Education research as a means of providing some evidence as to the present volume and quality. As I remember, you further indicated your interest when Bill Griffith and I met with you in Philadelphia last fall. You indicated at that time you would take immediate steps to start the summary. A month before the meeting in Chicago you were prodded by Bill Griffith to make certain that this material would be available at our February meeting. As you know it was not. I think it is imperative that you now indicate whether you intend to deliver on this matter. Continued procrastination is going to be disastrous for our case. Please let us know what your intentions are and what sort of schedule we can expect you to follow with respect to providing us with the summaries of the Adult Education Research that have been produced to date.  Yours truly. Gale Jensen Professor and Program Director GJ/ns cc: Professor W. S. Griffith Robert W. McCormick Wilson Thiede Wayne Schroeder


{7:74:848:I:240,654:1947,2055} March 21, 1968 Gale Jensen  Professor of Adult Education School of Education The University of Michigan  Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Dear Gale: Many thanks for your note about the compilation of data on volume of adult education research. I much regret that protracted delays in obtaining indexing equipment from ERIC have delayed the compilation. The equipment is now on hand, however, and we are furiously at work to catch up the indexing backlog, a task we calculate will take from six to eight weeks. At that time, the data can be compiled at practically no cost of time or effort. I am greatly relieved to see that your presentation to AERA is scheduled for late summer or fall, for we can give you the data before, and I think long before, that time. I can, if you think it that urgent, extract the data by hand from some 1800 ERIC resume forms in about 10 days. I hope the AERA presentation date makes this rather staggering labor unnecessary. The 1967 research review in adult education contained 177 completed studies, compared to 83 in 1966, partly a function of more systematic collecting, but largely due to an actual increase of research in the field. I have seen a statement (where?) that almost as many persons are now in adult education graduate training programs as have received degrees in the entire history of the field. HEW, OEO, OMPERS, DOD and other federal programs have stimulated research in adult education and training. These and other arguments can be brought forward to AERA. I suppose they would also be mindful of the number of AERA members.




{7:74:850:I:114,516:2118,2349} April 9, 1969 Dr. Gale Jensen Mr. Roger DeCrow School of Education The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48136 Dear Gale and Roger: Thank you for keeping me informed concerning your collective commitment to the preparation of a presentation to the Editorial Board of AERA. It appears as if we now have a definite plan. ERIC will furnish the committee within 6 to 8 weeks a summary of research produced in Adult Education since the last review. This summary will then be incorporated into a report which will be delivered to the Editorial Board during late summer or early fall. Lots of luck. If I can be of any assistance let me know. Sincerely, Wayne L. Schroeder Chairman of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education WLS :mmc P.S.  Gale, you were appointed to a committee, together with Gordon, Kleis and Hendrickson, charged with the responsibility of reviewing the simulation materials prepared by DuBois Do you have any idea where the stuff is? Is it being circulated? cc: W. S. Griffith Robert McCormick Wilson Thiede




{7:74:853:I:162,276:2073,1476} Dr. William, Griffith April 12, 1968  Page two I guess, judging from the suggestions I have made, that another concern I have is for the development of a linkage between theories we will discuss and the Urban problems (related somehow to adult education) so obviously consuming us. In a sense, I'm making a pitch for an. emphasis on the kind of theory and theorists which would spawn the kinds of research which would, in turn, result in a better understanding of our urban problems, etc. etc. As well as being important for its own sake, such a seminar proposal would, I think, be easier to sell. All for now--what do you. think? I'll think some more too? Sincerely, Wayne L. Schroeder Associate Professor of Adult Education WLS:mmc Enc.


{7:74:854:I:138,228:2193,2826}MEMORANDUM April 23, 1968 To: G. Kenneth Gordon Andrew Hendrickson Gale Jensen Russell Kleis Malcolm S. Knowles Ann Litchfield Randel Price Emily Quinn Wilson Thiede From: W. L. Schroeder Just a note to remind you all that you are serving on one of two committees established by the Commission of Professors of Adult Education to concern itself with the development of Simulated Training materials for Public School Adult Education Administrators. The central committee, consisting of Professors Litchfield (Chr.), Knowles, Price, Quinn and Thiede, was appointed in November of 1966 and charged with the responsibility of exploring with the University Council for Educational Administrators possibilities of developing simulated materials for the Public School Adult Education Administrator. Subsequently, Gene Dubois, in cooperation with UCEA, actually hammered out these materials. Then, during the November, 1967 meeting, a sub-committee was appointed to examine Dubois's materials and to make recommendations, etc. to the central committee concerning possible improvements of the materials, salability of the materials, etc. The sub-committee appointees include Professors Gordon, Hendrickson, Jensen (Gale), and Kleis. The question is: "Have these materials been circulated to the sub- committee members?" If so, when might the central committee expect their recommendations? If not, then we must move immediately. Both Dubois and UCEA are very much interested in some closure here. To expedite matters may I now appoint Professor Gordon as the sub- committee ram-rod (something which admittedly I should have done some time ago). As we make progress on this important function, would you, Ann and Ken, continue to keep me informed? W.L.S. WLS:mmc cc: Gene DuBois Hamilton Stillwell


{7:74:855:I:114,252:2235,2337}MEMORANDUM  April 23, 1968 TO: Roby Kidd, (Chm.) George Aker Roger DeCrow (Obs.) James Draper J. Paul Leagans A. A. Liveright (Obs.) Jack London Leonard Nadler John Ohliger Wilson Thiede From: Wayne L. Schroeder Just a note to remind you all that you are a part of a continuing committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education established to pull together comparative adult education materials and to generally impose some order in that which may generally be called "comparative adult education." All of you, except Professors Draper and Ohliger, were appointed to this committee in November of 1966. These two gentlemen were added, by request, during last year's meeting. I personally regard the Comparative Adult Education Working committee to be one of the most important committees of the commission. The problems with which it is concerned are crucial and are those for which the Commission clearly has a responsibility. If I can be of any assistance to the committee as it proceeds, please feel free to call on me. in any event, I hope you (Roby) will continue to keep me informed of your activities. W.L.S. WLS: mmc cc: Hamilton Stillwell




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