Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 104 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 6, Set 8/8

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-April, 1972.


April 24-30, 1972.














Apps, Jerold W.

McClusky, Howard Y.







Box 1, Folder 6, Set 8/8.




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{7:104:1353:I:255,987:2109,2217}Dr. Jerrold W. Apps 208 Agricultural Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. Dear Jerry: Allen Jossey-Bass is very much interested in helping to build the field of adult education by initiating and developing a series of scholarly works on that subject. As many members of the Commission know, the Jossey-Bass Inc. books in higher education and in social psychology are very widely read and respected and he and I (as advisory editor) hope that we can repeat this success in the field of adult education. Thank you for writing to invite us to tell the readers of the Commission newsletter about our plans. The best way to get an idea of what we are looking for is to examine some of the books the firm has already published. Any member of the Commission who wants to have a catalog could write to Jossey-Bass, Inc., 615 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94111. The brief descriptions given there could then be reinforced by looking at some of the books themselves. Our new series wil1 publish solid and substantial books which would be of interest and concern to people involved in adult education as a field of knowledge: professors in that subject or its many allied fields; graduate students in such fields; and thoughtful practitioners. Only hard-cover books will be published for the present and they will be of the highest-quality design and format The standard publisher's royalty will be paid to the author. Since each book requires the investment of a good many thousand dollars, the editors will have to be very selective in what they choose and the list of titles may build up slowly as a result. I would warmly welcome any ideas or suggestions of the members of the Commission concerning possible books. Perhaps the best way to proceed would be to write me (5835 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637), letting me know about any manuscript, either written or proposed, which might be suitable for the new series. Faithfully yours,

Cyril 0 . Houle Senior Consultant


{7:104:1354:I:201,666:1764,1944}Mr. Patrick J. Borich 260 Coffey Hall University of Minnesota St. Paul. Minnesota 55101. Dear Mr. Borich: Thank you for your letter suggesting a time for the Commission of Professors of Adult Education meeting in Minneapolis. At the Executive Committee meeting of the Commission in Chicago recently, we selected the date of November14-16, 1972, for the Commission meetings. We plan to start our meetings the evening of November 14 and conclude late afternoon on November 16. This year for the first time in several, we would like to hold our meetings at the same hotel as the rest of the Adult Education Association. As you probably know, the Commission for the past 4-5 years has chosen to meet at another location. This has become quite an issue in the Commission and this year the Executive Committee on an experimental basis is trying to hold the meeting at the same place as AEA. I assume that you have checked the joint research session time with Jim Farmer. Some of the other details of the meeting -- --We would anticipate approximately 100 members attending the meeting on Tuesday night and Wednesday. --On Thursday we are planning a joint program with part time professors of Adult Education which would swell our ranks to probably 200 plus. John Niemi, Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 6401 North West Marine Drive, Vancouver 8, British Columbia, Canada, is chairman of our program committee and will have more detailed information for you on what arrangements are necessary as he gets them.


{7:104:1355:I:213,183:1836,783}Mr. Borich 2 April 27, 1972 I am sending a copy of this letter and your letter to me on to John. Sincerely, JEROLD W. APPS Chairman JWA/dlu CC: John Niemi


{7:104:1356:I:0,0:2544,3300}Life Long Learning: Putting It All Together November 16-20 Minneapolis, Minnesota 1972 CONFERENCE Conference Planning Council . April 21, 1972 Will Philipson . Stan Baraga. Donald Woods . Patrick J. Borich Ann Duff AEA-USA 260 Coffey Hall 130 Maplewood Road Al Storey, President University of Minnesota Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Charles Wood, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 473-9189 Executive Secretary Telephone (612) 373-1772 NAPCAE Frank Commander, Dr. Jerold Apps .President University of Wisconsin Extension James Dorland, Executive Secretary 435 Lake Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706  Dear Dr. Apps:  April in Minnesota reminds some of us pessimists that November cannot be far behind! And with November this year comes a special event, the National Conference for AEA-NAPCAE members scheduled November 16-20 at the Hotel Leamington in Minneapolis. Although the cool Minnesota weather in November may be evident, those of us on this year's planning committee intend to provide the opportunity for a warm conference for you. As co-chairmen of the AEA Program Committee, we are requesting by this letter your input into developing this year's conference. Because of restricted space and in an effort to truly plan a joint conference we are suggesting that the committee, commission, council or section you chair plan to structure your activities on the following dates and times. Sunday, November 19 from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. Commission of Professors of Adult-Education 2037 University Avenue S.E. * Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 * (612) 373-3764


{7:104:1357:I:690,813:1557,963}. Would you inform us of the speakers or activities, time needed, estimated audience, and other arrangements you are including in your program this year as soon as possible? We need these at least by May 15 and preferably sooner. If you need more time or do not need the time allocated, would you let us know right away so that our tentative program may be revised? We hope the 1972 AEA-NAPCAE Conference will be the best .ever. Please help us. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Patrick J. Borich Ann Duff Co-Chairman Co-Chairman AEA Program Committee AEA Program Committee


{7:104:1362:I:468,696:1443,1752}Mr. Charles E, Kozell  Associate Dean Division of Student Affairs University of Georgia  Athens, Georgia 3060 Dear Dean Kozell: The Membership Committee of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education is considering a kind of affiliate status for part time professors of Adult Education. This is a topic that will be discussed at our annual meeting in Minneapolis in November. I am sending a copy of your letter on to Josephine Flaherty who is chairman of our Membership Committee. We are also planning at our November meeting a joint session of full time Commission members with part time Adult Education professors. I will put your name on the list to be invited to this session. Sincerely, JEROLD W. APPS Chairman JWA/dlu CC: Josephine Flaherty John Niemi.


{7:104:1363:I:306,756:2022,1275}Professor Gerald Apps Department of Adult Education University of Wisconsin  Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Apps: John Peters suggested I write you concerning some affiliate status with the Commission of Professors. In addition to being Associate Dean of Students, the University has appointed me Assistant Professor of Adult Education in the department chaired by Curtis Ulmer. Our plan is for me to teach one course or seminar per quarter. My doctorate in adult education was obtained under Alan Knox at Columbia University. Any information or applications you could provide would be appreciated. Yours truly,  Charles E. Kozoll Associate Dean




{7:104:1365:I:294,810:1974,1833} Dr. Howard Y. McClusky School of Education Corner East and South University Avenues UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Dear Howard: This is a tardy reply to your letter and note of March 13. I concur, most heartily, with your impressions of the special .meeting put on at the Los Angeles AEA conference, by the Commission of Professors for the part-time teachers of adult education courses. It was a lively session and gave us part-timers one of our relatively few opportunities to "vibrate" with, and learn from, the full-time educators in our field. I too hope that a similar program can be arranged for the Minneapolis meeting. (Dr. Patrick Borich, State Leader - Cooperative Extension Service, 260 Coffey Hall, St. Paul Campus, is coordinating the program schedule for the Minneapolis meeting.) Professor Apps may want to contact Pat directly to let him know what the plans are. Cordially, Donald Z. Woods DZW/cl cc: Jerrold Apps John Niemi . Patrick Borich Willard Philipson


{7:104:1366:I:102,414:2085,2265}March 13, 1972 Professor Jerold W. Apps, Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education 208 Agricultural Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: Your recent memorandum as Chairman of the 'Commission of Professors' reminds me to bring from the back to the front burner an intention which has been in my mind ever since our meetings last November in Los Angeles. I refer to the AEA-USA program designed specifically for Part Time College and University Teachers of Adult Education; i.e. members of Extension and Academic personnel who teach credit courses in Adult Education as a part of their total load. You may recall that the Commission of Professors was asked to organize such a meeting for the Los Angeles conference. This the Commission did under the chairmanship of John Niemi. As far as I know, having attended all of the meetings of the AEA-USA and the Commission since the beginning of these two enterprises, this is the first time that such a program has been undertaken. The point of this letter is to report that the meeting for the Part Time Teachers was in my judgment and in the judgment of many others who were there, a decisive success. I expected that probably only 20 (plus or minus) would attend the meeting, but at least 75 appeared. Moreover, the questions and exchanges during the discussion period were relevant and vigorous. Also was the informal discussion around the platform after the formal meeting was adjourned. As indicated above, as one who has kept in close touch with the Commission since it was organized, I am impressed that in the Part Time Teachers there is apparently a clientele that we have formerly neglected and that now the Commission must somehow serve.




{7:104:1368:I:222,861:1836,1128}Dr. Jerold Apps Professor of Agriculture and Extension Education The University of Wisconsin 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: John Niemi sent me the enclosed list of individuals who attended the Commission sponsored session on adult education for part-time professors of adult education on Sunday afternoon, November 7, in Los Angeles. Perhaps you will have some use for the list. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Associate Professor


{7:104:1369:I:0,0:2544,3300} Name Institution & Address Courses James A. Anderson University of Chicago 2414 E. 59th Street, Chicago, Ill. William L. Barnard c/o John Labatt Limited, The Adult as Learner P.O. Box 5050, Terminal A, London, Ont. (not teaching 1971-72) David L. Boggs Michigan State University, Doctoral Student in 1118 Pulaski, Lansing, Michigan 48910 Continuing Education. Patrick Borich University of Minnesota, In planning - 260 Coffey Hall, St. Paul, Minn.55101 Adult Ed. courses. Bill Brisco University of Arizona, Adult Education College of Education, Tucson, Ariz. 87511 Adult basic Ed. Jim Bromley University of Rhode Island, 10 - 12 Adult Ed. courses. Woodward Hall H. Bruce Brubaker Southern Illinois University, In process of developing a Edwardsville, Ill. 62025 Master's degree in Adult Ed. Paul Burgess University of Missouri 514 Clark Hall, Columbus, Miss. 65201 None Fritz Caskey University of Utah, Federal project to promote Sec-140 Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 teacher training for Adult Ed. S. Lynn Clark University of California at Berkeley Social Philosophy Merritt College, 1725 Oxford Street, Economics Berkeley, California. Ethnic relations. Ralph C. Dobbs University of Minnesota, Numerous on graduate 301 Hill Hall, Columbia, Mo. 65201 degree program. Matt Drake Ohio State University, Ph.D. candidate 152 W. Tulare Road, Columbus, Ohio 43202  Ed Easley San Fernando Valley State, Basic Education for Deaf P. 0. Box 66265, Los Angeles, Calif. Adults. Donald F. Eden Adams State, Grad. courses in Adult Ed. 72 El Rio, Alamosa, Colorado 81101 George W. Eyster Morehead State University, Numerous in grad. degree U.P.O. 1353, Morehead, Ky. program. Robert Fellenz Texas A. & M. University, Adult Learning Building C, College Station, Texas. Current Issues of Ad. Ed. Literacy Education Methods of Ad. Education


{7:104:1370:I:0,0:2544,3300}Page 2. Name Institution & Address Courses Mario Ferland Universite Laval, Adult Education (French) Extension de 1'Enneignement, Quebec Organizing an Adult ed. program (French) Elmer N. Fleming City College of New York, Concepts of counseling 138th Street and Convent Avenue, adults. New York, N.Y.  Charles Greer Continuation Center for Adult Education Not in University teaching. 1101 Slater Street, Director of fulltime day Eldorado, Ill. school for adults. Writing a proposal for SIU hopefully leading to grad. courses in adult ed. Tom Hill University of Minnesota, Box 276, Green City, Mo. 63545 Grad. student Eitan Israeli Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 509 W. 121st, New York City 10027 Edward C. Keane University of Bridgeport Principles of Adult Ed. College of Education, Methods of Adult Ed. Adult and Continuing Education, Adult learning Bridgeport, Conn. Community College concept Victor K. Kwong Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona 85201. Raymond Leger Youville Regional School Board, Basic Education 333 St. Joseph Blvd., Ste. Martine, Quebec. Vocational Programs Language school for immigrants Robert L. Lopez 108 S 5th Street, No.12 Columbia, Missouri 65201. Robert C. Mason Northern Illinois University Org. and Admin. of Adult Ed. 312 Williston Hall, Teaching in Ad.Cont. Ed. De Kalb, Ill. 60115. Workshop in Adult Ed. The Common Jnr. College William W. Metcalfe University of Minnesota Responsibility for Cont. Ed. 6300 Powell Hall, Box 301. by Health Care Admin. Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 Michael Sita A.S.U. (Arizona State Univ.) Ph.D. candidate, Adult Ed. Tucson, Ariz. 85716 Eli I. Mittler Northeast Mo. State College, Adult Ed. (An introduction) Vice President and Dean of Grad. Studs. Directing Adult Ed. learning 1503 Downing, Kirksville, Mo.63501 methods. Bob Olsen University of Southern Miss. Methods & Materials, ABE Southern Station, Box 134, The Disadvantaged Adult Hattiesburg, Mo. 39401 Principles of Adult Ed. Internship in Teaching Adults


{7:104:1371:I:0,0:2544,3300}Page 3 . Name Institution & Address Courses John M. Peters University of Tennessee 10 grad. courses 15 Hanson Hall, Knoxville, Tenn. Mark Rossman University of Massachusetts, Responsibility for developing School of Education, Amherst, Mass.01002 Adult Ed. component for Univ. of Mass. Ethel S. Ruymaker San Francisco State College, Adult Education College of the Holy Names, Soc. of Education 6385 Hillegass Avenue, Oakland, Calif.. Harry Siu Dept. of Ed., University of Utah Experimental course in methods of teaching in Adult Ed. Mrs. B. Siegel University of California Grad. Student 5761 Hillview Park Avenue, Adult Ed. teacher Training Van Nuuys, Calif. 91401 Instructor in Extension. Hazel C. Small Elizabeth City State University, 5 grad. courses Elizabeth City, N.C. 27909 Harold B. Swanson University of Minnesota 3 courses with adult ed. Dept. of Info. and Agr. Journalism, aspects involved and Agric. Extension Service, - publicity St. Paul, Minn. 55101 - mass media (rural) - Agric. comm. problems Ginger Walmsley Higher Educ. Institute for Teacher Preparation in Adult Education, University of Utah, 1192 McClelland, Salt Lake City. Utah 84105 Donald Z. Woods University of Minnesota, Adult Education (1 course) 150 Wesbrook Hall, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455  Mildred B. Hurley Tenn. State University, - General Methods Nashville, Tenn. 37208 - Guidance & Counseling - Teaching Adults to Read. - Principles of Teaching & Learning of Adults - Psychological Changes through the life span.


{7:104:1373:I:381,801:1941,1893}Dr. Jerold W. Apps Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Agricultural and Extension Education 208 Agricultural Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: Thank you for sending the minutes and other information from the Chicago meeting. I will do my best to complete my assignments. I noticed that you included John Snider of Colorado State University as a reactor to the major paper on philosophy. (Reference your letter of April 11, page 3). After reflecting on our phone conversation immediately following the Chicago meeting, I remember recommending Bob Snyder of the University of South Carolina. The similarity of names must have confused the message, unless you later decided to include John Snider. My recommendation of Bob Snyder was based on the criterion of including a "young southerner". Let me hasten to add, however, that John Snider is fully capable of doing the job. He is new to the field and promises to be one of our top professors in the future. He holds a unique perspective, serving as part of Project Communi-Link at Colorado State. (After all, some say Colorado is really a part of Dixie). In a nutshell, I would recommend either of the Snyder and Snider sound-a-likes for the program slot, although Bob is a bit more articulate in his oral presentations. Please use your judgment. Thanks again for keeping me up-to-date. I look forward to our activities together this year. Sincerely, John M. Peters Associate Professor JMP/ch




{7:104:1376:I:366,771:1752,1836}Dr. Jerold Apps, Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education College of Agricultural and Life Sciences The University of Wisconsin 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerold: Thank you very much for your letter inquiring about the dates and place of the Annual Conference for AEA-USA in November 1972. The specific and official dates of the Conference are November 16-20, 1972. It is anticipated that registration will open at eight or nine o'clock in the morning of Thursday, November 16, though official programming will probably not begin until late afternoon or dinner-time. The meeting is then expected to continue through the early afternoon of Monday, November 20, allowing people to have travel time, in many cases to get home, during the late afternoon and evening of Monday the 20th. The AEA-USA Executive Committee will likely meet the latter part of November 15 and/or the morning of Thursday, November 16. The Executive Committee will probably also schedule a meeting for the morning of Tuesday, November 21. These plans are tentative at the moment. The site of the Conference will be the Leamington Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It appears to us that there will be adequate space for the Conference with the use of the Leamington and with the use of the Curtis Hotel, which is directly across the street from the Leamington. We have blocked out all of the rooms in the Leamington and have a sufficient number reserved in the Curtis and elsewhere, should the registration for the Conference be unusually large. I think it would be very fortunate, for many of us, if the Commission of Professors were to meet at the Leamington and were to meet just prior to the opening of the Annual Conference.


{7:104:1377:I:312,231:1941,2097} Dr. Jerold Apps -2- February 25, 1972 When we know what your plans and schedule are, it will afford some of us on the Executive Committee an opportunity to try to plan our schedules in such a way that we can tune-in on what you are doing. Don Woods, Associate Dean for General Extension at the University of Minnesota, is Program Chairman for AEA and Willard Philipson, Director of Audio Visual Education at the University of Minnesota, is the General Conference Chairman. Stan Baraga, Director of Adult Education for the Public Schools of Minneapolis, is the NAPCAE Program Chairman. We have had two meetings in Minnesota, thus far. The second one being a meeting of the Executive Committee of NAPCAE and the Steering Committee of AEA-USA, along with the Conference Planners, and I am very impressed with the cooperation, the creativity, and the promptness of what is going on by way of preparation for the Conference. Please feel free to write Don Woods and you will get prompt helpful action for any request you make. Let us know if we can be of assistance to you in any way, and please keep us informed of your plans. Sincerely yours, Alfred W. Storey President AWS:vs CC: John Niemi James Farmer John Peters Russell Kleis Charles Wood Edgar Boone Don Woods Willard Philipson Stanley Baraga




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