Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 100 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 6, Set 4/8

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).






Includes Robert A. Carlson's proposal to do a history of the adult education profession in North America.


Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-April, 1972.


February 16-28, 1972.
















Apps, Jerold W.

Carlson, Robert A.




North America.




Box 1, Folder 6, Set 4/8.




In addition to following normal manuscript citation conventions, include these elements when citing records found "electronically" through The Adult Education History Project: Main entry, Title, Item number, and, if a specific image is being cited, Component number. Mention, too, that the record was found in "/history.html, an Electronic Source for Syracuse University Library's database for archives and manuscripts.”


{7:100:1273:I:78,339:2241,1722}To: Commission of Professors of Adult Education Dow. September 7, 1971 From": Eugene E. DuBois Associate Professor of Education, Boston University Subject Report on Finance Committee Tn November, 1970, Chairman Griffith appointed a two man Finance

Committee (Professors DuBois and McClusky), This committee was charged with the task of obtaining financial support for the activities of the Commission. . After consultation with Mr. Jules Pagano, former executive director of the Adult Education

Association of the U.S.A., the committee is pleased to report the following: At its mid-January meeting in New York, the Steering Committee unanimously passed the following resolution: In recognition of the improved financial position and because of the special cooperative relationship of units within AEA/USA, the Steering Committee recommends that priority be given to fund, to as great an extent as possible within the guidelines of the 1971 budget, the present program needs of the Commission of Professors; and that the Executive Director convey this action to the Commission with a request for specific program needs and related costs. This resolution speaks for itself and needs no further explanation. However, as Executive Director, I would like to point out that, in accordance with the 1971 budget guide1ines, an amount not to exceed $5lOOO is to be earmarked for implementing this resolution.


{7:100:1275:I:57,597:2280,2463}February 3, 1972 Prof. Jerold W. Apps 208 Agriculture Hall The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706  Dear Jerry: I now have five packages of Commission archives materials which I have received from you. At my first opportunity I'm going to go through these things rather carefully. I'll then forward them to Syracuse, Thank you for sending the formal request that Syracuse library store the archives. Would it be possible for you to send me a xerox of your carbon copy of that letter for the files of the Archives Committee? . Regarding your question of whether I've made any progress in developing a proposal to be submitted to AEA-USA for some of the funds they promised us, I've been awaiting such a proposal by a student at Syracuse to do a study of the Commission. I urged him to send a listing of his financial needs to Gene DuBois and Malcolm Knowles at Boston University. I've dubbed these two the Committee's fund-raising group, yet I think that is my own peculiar notion. The student did not present any figures. Neither Gene nor Malcolm have indicated any action. Therefore, I sense that progress is pretty much up to me and thee on this one. I'm wondering if you think the AEA would be willing to support a five year effort under my leadership to do a history of the adult education profession in North America, with emphasis on the history of the Commission. Here is my budget 5 year total of $2500): 1972 - $500 to provide travel costs, meals, and lodging for me to make an initial survey of materials at Syracuse Library and to arrange cooperatively with the Library for further collection of material; xerography; blank tapes, and postage for getting tapes of "the pioneers." 1973 - $500 to provide travel costs, meals, and lodging for a trip to AEA headquarters in Washington, D.C.1 to review file materials with stop-offs at Syracuse on the way and back.


{7:100:1276:I:102,297:2193,2247}2 Prof. J. Apps February 3, 1972  1974 - $500 to provide for a trip to Syracuse Library, tapes, postage and student assistance for the project at my home institution.  1975 - $500 for telephone calls, tapes, possible trip to Syracuse or another document center and student assistance for the project. 1976 - $500 for costs of typing manuscript and possibly one last trip to Syracuse Library. It seems to me that funding me with $500 per year and a total of $2500 would be a wise, yet inexpensive, way for AEA to get this study done by an historian with an understanding of the field. Based on such finding, I think I can also get some further funds that would enable me fully to meet the costs I would incur in this undertaking. Could you take this notion up with the AEA-USA soon to see if this proposal is reasonable? If you would like further information, let me know. I have not brought up this proposal with the rest of my Archives Committee, but if negotiations with the student at Syracuse are any guide, such involvement would be time-consuming and none too fruitful. If you disagree, let me know. I'd like to get a proposal like this one in right now. When does the AEA fiscal year start and end? If it starts in July, I'd like to amend my proposal to start with 1973 and end with 1977. Looking forward to hearing from you real soon with your reactions, advice, and notice of any action you propose to take. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Carlson Associate Professor of Continuing Education


{7:100:1277:I:189,552:2028,1911}February 21, 1972 Dr. Jerold W. Apps, Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education Department of Agriculture and Extension Education 208 Agriculture Hall The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 U.S.A. Dear Jerry Thank you for your letter of January 5th and the material related to the Membership Committee of the Commission. I apologize for my delayed acknowledgement of this; life has been hectic in these parts but I have been busy working on the material. With regard to some of the broader membership questions which you posed, I shall be in touch with the other members of the Committee about these. I believe they are very appropriate questions at this time and we should give them serious consideration. . Please accept my delayed congratulations on your election as Chairman.  February 2 1972 Commission of the Professors of Adult Education Adult Education Association of the U.S.A.  Eighteenth Street, N,W, Washington, D.C. 20006 Gentlemen: I am keenly interested in pursuing a career of teaching in adult education. I hold a B.S. degree in Transportation, 1956, from the University of Baltimore along with some post graduate work in psychology at Penn State University during 1970-71. I am 47 years old with some 21 years, in the field of Motor Truck transportation, as a salesman, office manager sales manager. All positions have offered opportunities for experience in selling an intangible, administration of personnel, recruiting, selection and training of personnel, supervision and research. Have recently applied for and received approval to teach a 16 week course in Transportation at Penn State University under their Continuing Educational program for adults. This is, of course, a part-time program. I would appreciate whatever information you could provide as to the current full-time opportunities available for teaching adults. Or, if my present background is not complete to meet the requirements for such opportunities, then whatever information you have on graduate programs now available in Southeastern Pennsylvania in Adult Education leading to a Master's Degree. Also the possibilities of programs where one may teach and attend graduate classes as the same time. Thank you for your assistance. Canterbury Road , Pa. 19001  All positions have offered opportunities for experience in selling an intangible, administration of personnel, recruiting, selection and training of personnel, supervision and research. Have recently applied for and received approval to teach a 16 week course in Transportation at Penn State University - Ogontz Campus - Abington, Pa., under their Continuing Educational program for adults. This is, of course, a part-time program. I would appreciate whatever information you could provide as to the current full-time opportunities available for teaching adults. Or, if my present background is not complete to meet the requirements for such opportunities, then whatever information you have on graduate programs now available in Southeastern Pennsylvania in Adult Education leading to a Master's Degree. Also the possibilities of programs where one may teach and attend graduate classes as the same time. Thank you for your assistance. .

Canterbury Road Abington, Pa. 19001

I regret that I was not present at the meeting and able to say it in person. With all good wishes, Yours sincerely  Assistant Professor Department of Adult Education


{7:100:1284:I:282,654:2025,2085}February 28, 1972 . Dr. Jerold W. Apps Commission of Professors of Adult Education The University of Wisconsin College of Agricultural & Life Sciences 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 In response to your recent letter, Jerry. . . the enclosed green brochure is probably the one to which Marian Brackney referred. I picked up a supply of the brochures at the Commission of Professors meeting just prior to Galaxy. As you can see, the brochures were printed courtesy of Warner and Warner International Associates, Inc. My memory is foggy, but I think Malcolm Knowles was responsible for their preparation and printing. You might contact Malcolm and ask about the brochure's history. You asked about names of committee members. I trust you mean the committee to explore the feasibility of initiating manuscript series for the Commission. I suggest the following committee, in addition to myself: Jim Farmer Virginia Griffin Dwight Flynn Don Seeman. I have no proposal for AEA at the present time, I think we ought to consider the Syracuse publication series and others before opting for a program of our own. I plan to poll each of the above professors for their reactions to the several alternatives available. I hope to have something to offer in the way of a committee report at the Chicago meeting. 


{7:100:1285:I:390,366:1863,960}Dr. Jerold W. Apps -2- February 28, 1972 The black book? I agree -- let's clear it up at the Chicago meeting. Let me know if there is move we should do. I will try to reply more promptly next time





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