The individualizing process can work in various settings and with various types of audiences. PART THREE presents some of our ideas and experiences on the various adjustments that need to be made in different situations. We may not have touched on the particular audience or setting of relevance to you, but we anticipate our examples will help you make the appropriate adjustments.

Chapter Ten addresses the question of how can the process be used in various non-traditional settings. The chapter begins with a discussion of the impact of technology on instruction and learning. A variety of design issues are described, as well as some ideas on the future of non-traditional learning. Description of a non-traditional effort using on-line computer conferencing for distance education with corresponding instructional design issues concludes the chapter.

Chapter Eleven is focussed on answering the question of how the process can be used with various audiences. Two different audiences, those with special needs and older learners, are addressed as a means of describing some of the potential problems or concerns that you may need to face as you adapt the individualizing process to a particular audience. Two tables are provided that outline some of the special instructional requirements of the two groups. The last portion of the chapter contains some questions you may need to consider as you analyze the various audiences with whom you come in contact.

Chapter Twelve provides some insights and recommendations on how you can have success with the process. The six-step model is reviewed and a figure provided that raises various necessary questions you should ask during each step. A discussion is included on how to deal with those times when Murphy's Law affects your instructional efforts. The "instructor's first-aid kit" is offered as one means of preparing for the inevitable. The chapter concludes by discussing some of the benefits of individualizing your instruction, some of the problems associated with the process, various future implications, and some research needs.


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