Miss Estelle Padgham Now a Unitarian Clergyman

[From a Newspaper Clipping]


          The May Memorial church was filled last evening with the friends and relatives of Miss Estelle E. Padgham, to attend the services ordaining Miss Padgham into the ministry of the Unitarian church. At 8 0’clock the services were begun with an organ voluntary, which was followed by the hymn, “Lord, Who Dost the Voices Bless?” The Rev. Mary Safford, secretary of the Ohio State Unitarian  society, after prayer read the Scripture lesson. Miss Unni Lund followed with a selection from Handel’s “Messiah.”

          The Rev. Marie H. Jenny, formerly of this city but now of Des Moines, Ia., took as her text the words, “Be Strong.” Following the sermon Miss Lund sang another solo, after which the Rev. Dr. Samuel R. Calthrop, pastor of the May Memorial church, delivered the charge to the new pastor. The Rev. William C. Gannett of Rochester delivered the ordination prayer. The exercises ended with the extension of the right hand of fellowship by Miss Safford. The congregation united in singing “Child of God, He Calleth Thee,” after which the newly ordained minister gave the benediction.



Prepared for web page display on April 1, 2006