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The literature on older adults as learners is quite extensive. The following material has been adapted from Hiemstra (1980c) and updated with more current information. To try two quizzes regarding your knowledge of older adults, try the Aging Facts Quiz One or the Aging Facts Quiz Two.

Attention to the Pace of Learning

For further application suggestions, see Freund and Witte (1976); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Henry (1989); Jones (1980); Knox (1977, 1986); Lersten (1974); Long (1983); Mullan and Gorman (1972); Okun (1977); Peterson (1983); Symposium (1973).

Evaluation and Assessment

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For further application suggestions, see George (1986); Gordon, (1974); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Hixon (1968); Hulicka and Grossman (1967); Jones (1980); Mullan and Gorman (1972); Okun and Siegler (1977); Rodgers and Herzog (1987).

Involve the Learner in the Instructional Process

For further application suggestions, see Brockett (1984); Gordon (1974); Hiemstra (1975, 1976b, 1985b); Knox (1977); Mullan and Gorman (1972); Peterson (1983); Tough (1979); Wass and West (1977).

Organization and Meaningfulness in Learning Activities

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For further application suggestions, see Camp (1986); Camp, Markley, and Kramer (1983); Cavanaugh and Murphy (1986); Craik (1977); Davis and Miller (1983); Franz (1983); Galbraith and James (1984); Glynn and Muth (1979); Gonda, Quayhagen, and Schaie (1981); Gordon (1974); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Heisel (1985); Hultsch (1975, 1977); Jones (1980); Knowles (1984); Knox (1977); Lersten (1974); Mergler and Zandi (1983); Peterson and Eden (1981); Shadden and Raiford (1984).

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The Personal Approach of the Facilitator

For further application suggestions, see Brockett (1985b); Fisher (1986); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Hiemstra (1982a); Hixon (1968); Jones (1980); Knox (1977); Mullan and Gorman (1972); Peterson (1983); Ralston (1981); Wass and West (1977).

Needs and Experiences of Learners

For further application suggestions, see Blanchard-Fields (1986); Fisher (1986); Glynn and Muth (1979); Goodrow (1975);

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Gordon (1974); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Havighurst (1976); Hiemstra (1975, 1976b, 1977-78, 1979,1985b); Labouvie-Vief (1977); Leclerc (1985); Lersten (1974); Levinson (1978); Marcus (1978); Merriam and Lumsden (1985); Peterson (1983); Peterson and Eden (1981); Ralston (1981); Sheehy (1976); Symposium (1973).

Sensitivity to Barriers, Obstacles, and Physiological Needs

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For further application suggestions, see Arenberg (1976, 1977); Bennett and Eklund (1983a, 1983b); Brockett (1984, 1985b); Charles (1983); Cross (1981); Estrin (1986); Galbraith and James (1984); Gordon (1974); Graney and Hayes (1976); Gounard and Hulicka (1977); Haase (1979); Hayslip and Kennelly (1985); Henry (1989); Hiemstra (1985b); Hulicka (1967); Jones (1980); Knox (1977); Lersten (1974); Merriam (1977); Ogle (1986); Ostwald and Williams (1985); Peterson (1983); Plopper (1981); Symposium (1973); Tager (1981); Vosko and Hiemstra (1988); Wass and Olejnik (1983).


July 15, 2005


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