Following are names and approximate years of service for past Associate Ministers, Interim Ministers, Religious Education Leaders, Music Directors, and Organists. However, this information is no doubt incomplete because accurate records of everyone in these categories were not maintained. What is shown was obtained by examining church archives, reading published church histories, and interviewing long-time members.


Associate Ministers


Rev. Albert Willard Clark, 1902-1904

Rev. Ron Clark, 1968-1971


Interim Ministers


Rev. Joseph Angier, 1858-1859

Rev. Wilton E. Cross, 1919-1920

Rev. Evans A Worthley, 1929-1930

Rev. Dr. Henry Wilder Foote, 1941-1943

Rev. Robert Holmes, 1973-1974

Rev. Carol Fancher, 1995-1996

Rev. John Papandreau, 1996-1997

Rev. Mary Hnottavange-Telleen, 2004-2005

Rev. John Marsh, 2005-2007

Rev. Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe, 2016-


Religious Education Leaders1


Mary Redfield Bagg, late 1800s

Salem Hyde, 1900

Dr. Heffron, 1901

C. F. Bennitt, 1902-1911

Rev. John Applebee (while Assoc. Minister),


M. Elizabeth Lewis, 1921-1928

Miss Elisabeth Murphy, 1928-1931

Miss Mildred Jones Keefe, 1931-1933

Mrs. M. S. Dooley, 1933-1935


Dr. Elizabeth Manwell, 1935-1949

Josephine Gould, 1949-1968

Russell Gould, (youth director) 1957-1961

Bob Burdick, Judy Clark, Pat Corson, Jill

Evans, Betsy Fuller, Hannah Hayman, Kathy

Lanier, Dick Pearson, and Ann Pia (these people had various roles as volunteer coordinator, director, resource consultant, teacher, and/or youth leader during all or part of the time period) 1968-1976

Pat Hoertdoerfer, 1976-1985

Don MacKay, 1985-1988

Rev. Liz Strong, 1988-2001

Michaella Babrich, 2002-2003

Sheila Schuh, 2003-2005

Rev. Jennifer Hamlin-Navias, 2005-2014

Stacy Sceiford, 2014-


Music Director and/or Organist2


Ellsworth Phelps (organist), 1840s

Dr. Oberlander (choir director), 1930s

Mrs. Warren B. Walsh, 1940s

Mrs. Richard D. Green, 1940s

Mrs. Harry L. Vibbard, 1940s

Mrs. Harry Bigart (organist), 1950s

Frank Macomber, 1960s and 70s

Rob Kerner, 1975-1984?

Allison Evan Henry, 1984-1988

Glenn Kime, 1988-current


1Religious education leaders had a variety of names over the years, such as Director of Religious Education, Superintendent of the Institute of the Sunday School, Sunday School Superintendent, Youth Program Coordinator, Director of Church School, Religious Education Director, and Religious Education Coordinator. Some years of service are approximated based on archival information.


2Some years of service are approximated based on archival information.


February 15, 2017