Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 103 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 6, Set 7/8

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-April, 1972.


April 16-23, 1972.














Apps, Jerold W.

Long, Huey B.



Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults [SCUTREA] (1971).





Box 1, Folder 6, Set 7/8.




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{7:103:1338:I:141,327:1851,2535}Graduate Research In Adult Education Purpose The purpose of this "little book" would be to: 1. provide a typology of research design; 2. describe the research types; 3. discuss advantages and disadvantages of each type; 4. provide examples of good graduate research by citing examples; 5. provide examples of common mistakes by use of fictitious examples (or examples not identifiable with individuals or institutions); 6. observe trends in graduate research; 7. observe needs in graduate research. Procedure A general editor will be appointed by the Commission. The general editor will recruit 6-7 writers who will each write one chapter. 1. Introduction - Editor 2. Experimental - Writer #1 3. Descriptive - " #2 4. Historical - " #3 5. Philosophical - " #4 6. Methodological - " #5 7. Trends in Graduate Research - Writer #6 8. Needs in Graduate Research - " #7


{7:103:1339:I:147,111:1977,1611} 2 - Chapters 2-6 will follow a similar outline. A. Introduction B. Description of research type - including strengths and weaknesses C. Examples in adult education research D. Problems of use in adult education E. Use of research type over the years Each chapter will be approximately 15 pages in length and will be completed within 120 days of agreement to write. Each author will receive a minimum honorarium of $100.00. Audience Graduate Research in Adult Education will be written specifically for graduate students and should be useful to them in their research projects.


{7:103:1341:I:156,684:2187,2211} April 19, 1972 Mr. Jerold W. Apps 208 Agricultural Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 U.S.A. . Dear Jerry: O.K. Your modification of paragraph B of section 5, page 3, is acceptable. It seems quite reasonable, too, for the Executive Committee to expect a progress report from me at the end of each year of the project. Assuming that AEA-USA approves the requested $600 funding for this year, will those funds have to be spent by the end of December or revert back to the AEA treasury? If so, I would almost prefer to launch the project in 1973 rather than in 1972. I hope that it could be funded so as to start in either 1972 or 1973. How will the fund be handled? The last thing in the world that should occur is for this amount to be considered taxable income. I suppose it could be handled as some sort of non-taxable research grant to cover costs incurred. Jerry, I look forward to getting started on this project. Progress reports for the first two years will be limited because the progress will likely be limited. The heavy research thrust will come in the third year, as I see it now. The first two years will be relatively preliminary. The last two years will move the project into the writing stage. I hope you get AEA-USA approval for the proposal. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Carlson Associate Professor Continuing Education


{7:103:1347:I:363,744:1824,1467}Dr. Jerold W. Apps, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education Agricultural Hall The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin  Dear Jerry: I am enclosing (a) a letter from Roby Kidd to me, (b) my reply to that letter, and (c) a set of minutes of the executive committee meeting of SCUTREA (Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults). I think that Roby's suggestions are sound and that we should attempt to develop effective communication with SCUTREA. Sorry we did not have an opportunity to talk when you were in town for the AERC. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Associate Professor

{7:103:1348:I:312,552:1980,2631}April 20, 1972. Professor William Griffith University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60637 U. S. A. Dear Bill: I have had the good fortune to be present in England for a meeting of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research In the Education of Adults (SCUTREA). While I was listening to the discussion, I was impressed with the similarity, in objectives and work, of SCUTREA with the Committee of Professors of Adult Education. I am sending you a copy of some minutes. It therefore occurred to me that something might be gained by all concerned if there was a very modest plan of exchange: 1. Of minutes. 2. Of proceedings and copies of papers given at each meeting. 3. It is conceivable that every year, or every second year, a SCUTREA representative might be in attendance and make a report at the meeting of the Committee of Professors, and the Professors might be represented at SCUTREA on a reciprocal basis. Not much money ls involved. For example, the host organization might accept responsibility for hotel and living expenses and the air fare across the Atlantic may be less than from New York to San Francisco. In any event, I have suggested to the current President of SCUTREA, Professor George Weddell that the possibility of such an interchange might be raised with you. I am sending him a copy of this letter so that further discussion might go on between the two organizations. If you are interested in exploring the possibility further, I suggest that you write to Professor Weddell. Best wishes.  Sincerely J.R. Kidd Professor of Comparative Studies Department of Adult Education c.c. Professor E. G. Weddell The University of Manchester MANCHESTER 13, England


{7:103:1349:I:219,570:2094,2553}Dr. J. R. Kidd Professor of Comparative Studies Department of Adult Education The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street West Toronto 181, Ontario Canada Dear Roby: Thank you for your letter of April 20 regarding S.C.U.T.R.E.A. Your suggestions for regularizing communication between that group and the Commission are sound and, from my vantage point at least, highly desirable. While I endorse the suggestions, the fact that I am no longer chairman of the Commission leads me to defer. to the present chairman, Jerry Apps, for a decision. I am sending your letter and the SCUTREA minutes on to Jerry together with my endorsement of your suggestions. No doubt he will both write to Professor Weddell and send you a copy of the letter. You will be interested to know that we invited Bob Blakely to meet with our adult education seminar for the purpose of talking with us about the Denmark meeting on comparative adult education. He gave us some fascinating insights into the policy problems the editors of reports of such meetings encounter. I was rather favorably impressed with all of the draft of the report, save for the list of needed research. This listing struck me as inadequately considered and only superficially stated. Perhaps I am too harsh. I am sorry that you were unable to attend the AERC meeting. You were missed and Jindra simply couldn't substitute adequately for you in leading your session. Please give Bruce my regards and extend my best wishes to our mutual friends in the Department. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Associate Professor WSG:dw cc: Jerold Apps


{7:103:1350:I:129,198:2067,2877}Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held at Manchester University on Tuesday, October 19th 1971 with Professor E.G. Wedell in the chair. Present Edinburgh Mr. S. Marriott Industrial Training Research Unit Mr. M. Toye Leeds Mr. G. Hauger Leicester Professor H.A. Jones  Liverpool Dr. M.D. Stephens Manchester Professor E.G. Wedell. Nottingham Mr. D. Fielden The Open University Mrs. J. Calder Apologies for Absence Professor W. Styler, Dr. E. Belbin, Mr, N. Dees, and Mr. H.E. Frank. 1. Research in Progress It was noted that Mr. D. Legge (Manchester) had agreed to put together a list of research in progress, the information from members to be received by him not later than December 15th 1971. The Secretary was asked to circularize members on this matter 2. 1973 Conference The Executive Committee asked Leeds to make a provisional booking (40 places) of Grantly Hall for the period 12th-14th June 1973. 3. Membership a) It was confirmed that there should be two types of membership namely Corporate and Associate. b) As the Sheffield Polytechnic had not replied to the last letter from the Secretary of SCUTREA it was felt that the matter of the Polytechnic's membership should be left in abeyance. c) It was noted that H.M.I. Mr. K. Elsdon had enquired informally about his eligibility for Associate Membership. As conference membership was for university departments and institutions it was felt that it was more fitting for persons such as H.M. Inspectors to be invited to individual meetings as appropriates.


{7:103:1351:I:132,120:2091,3030}-2- d) The matter of membership for the Secretary of the Scottish Institute of Adult Education was deferred. e) Regarding future questions of membership the Executive Committee will decide each case separately as the applications arise. 4. Press Notice The Chairman and Secretary were charged with the drafting of a press notice to publicize the activities of SCUTREA. The draft to be sent to members of the Executive Committee for comment. 5. Finance a) It was decided that the present Secretary should. report at the end of his term of office as to whether there was a need for a separate post of Treasurer of SCUTREA .b) The financial year to be the calendar year. c) That accounts for the period June.1970 to December 31st 1971 be. presented to the Annual General Meeting. d) That membership fees become due by January 1st of each year. e) Liverpool University agreed to carry this year's administrative costs. f) It was decided that the matter of an administrative allowance for the host institution should be left in abeyance. 6. Social Research Working Party The Convenor of the Working Party (Mr. S. Marriott) reported on the response to his request for relevant material from British extra-mural departments. Following the sifting through of the information a meeting of the Working Party would be arranged. 7 Bibliography The Secretary was asked to approach Professor Kelly to establish the fields to be covered by the new British bibliography of adult education, and to ascertain whether it would invalidate a SCUTREA register of completed research. Since the meeting the following has been ascertained: a) The bibliography, as in the past, will include published works and broad research projects, the latter mainly at Master's and Doctoral level. Diploma dissertations will be included only in exceptional cases b) The scope of the bibliography has been broadened to take in all relevant parts of further and youth education.


{7:103:1352:I:219,222:1986,1383}-3- 1972 Conference  a) It was agreed that the next SCUTREA conference should be hold-at Holly Royde (Manchester) from Tuesday, March 28th to Thursday, March 30th 1972. b) That guests be invited who had a special contribution to make. Those proposed included a representative of the National Institute of Social Work Training, Dr. Buchner of Berlin (Professor Wedell to invite) Associate Professor A.G.S. Pask of Brunel and Professor R. Revons (Professor Wedell to invite). c) In the light of the discussion the Chairman and Secretary were asked to meet to produce a draft programme to be distributed to the other members of the Executive Committee for comment, 9. Next Meeting The next Executive Committee Meeting for comment. 9. Next Meeting The next Executive Committee Meeting will be at Holly Royde (Finland Room) on 28th March 1972 at 5:30 p.m.




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