A Cherry Seed Was Removed From the Wound
Made by the Operation On Miss Padgham
No Doubt This Was What Prevented the
Wound From Healing as it Should
[From a Newspaper Clipping]
Saturday night Dr. Ross
removed a substance from the wound in Miss Padgham’s
side, which proved to be a cherry seed.
Her trouble has been a peculiar one and it
was difficult to tell just what was the cause of it. It seems from the present
knowledge of the case that this cherry seed had caused appendicitis. The
disease acted in a strange way and the seat of trouble seemed to be higher than
usual for that disease. Putting all the symptoms together, however it was
decided that it could be nothing else than appendicitis and that it had gone to
a point where an abscess had been produced by the sluffing
off of her appendix. Instead of making the incision in the usual place Doctors
Priestly and McCarthy, at
This they did and the patient
became rapidly very much improved. She has gained very much in strength and
flesh. She was brought home to Perry and continued to improve in general health
but the wound would not heal. There was a continuous discharge of matter. A few
days ago, Dr. Ross concluded there was some foreign substance in it. The lump
of matter seemed to be larger on the outside and having its apex inward. He
told Miss Padgham to be on the lookout for the appearance of anything at the
surface. Saturday
As the surgeons in the
hospital forced water from the opening where the appendix sluffed
off, and out through the wound, there could be no doubt that the trouble was in
the appendix and this seed has no doubt been in the body all this time, after
causing all the inflammation and trouble that produced her sickness.
It has been about eight weeks
since Miss Padgham went to
Everything now points to the
early recovery of the afflicted pastor and it will indeed be good news to her
anxious friends here and in the east. She has been calm and patient through all
of her illness and suffering, much more so than is usual in such cases. Her
church in
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